Meeting Minutes – September 8, 2023
Guadalupe Coalition of Nonprofits
In-Person Meeting
Two Guys Pizza
September 8, 2023
- Stephanie Krouse
- Maria Camacho, CAPSLO
- Dominique “Dom” Aranda, CEC
- Alhan Diaz-Correa, CEC
- Karina Acosta, CRR – Children’s Resource and Referral
- Albert Nunez, Rancho Guadalupe Historical Society
- Cory Bantilan, County of Santa Barbara (via Zoom)
- Garret Matsuura, Guadalupe Business Association
- Mira Beyeler, Los Amigos de Guadalupe (via Zoom)
County of Santa Barbara
Cory Bantilan shared the need for attendees for the September 12 County Supervisors meeting. With state and federal agencies declining to provide financial assistance to Guadalupe, SB County Public Works has asked the Supervisors to approve an $8M infusion of funds to rechannelize the Santa Maria river. The resolution must pass with a supermajority (4 of 5 votes) for approval. UPDATE: The resolution passed on 9/12 with a unanimous vote.
Los Amigos de Guadalupe
Mira shared the unfortunate news that LADG will be shuttering operations. They are saddened and are working to make sure that any required resources are shared and that existing programs are able to transition to other organizations. Due to this circumstance, they will no longer be facilitating the GCON meetings. Mira shared that she was also working on setting up the Senior Center to continue to be a meeting space in the future.
Rancho Guadalupe Historical Society
Al shared that the Asian Heritage Display will be phasing out at City Hall and will be replaced on Monday the 18th with a Hispanic Heritage Month Display
Children’s Resource and Referral
Karina shared that CRR recently received a large donation that will help children in Foster care. There will also be a Black and White Masquerade Ball on Oct 6 at the Raddison from 6-10pm. Tickets are $75. Garret is going to share contact information for Awakening Giantz and Assistance League with Karina
CEC & Fresa
Alahn shared the status of a proposed Farmer’s Market in Gaudalupe. Fresa has done a lot of research and needs to bring on a management component to handle the day-to-day operational functions of the proposed market. There are monthly meetings with the next one on Friday the 15th from 12:30-1:30. Contact Alahn for details. Dom shared information about the Air Monitoring stations around Guadalupe and announced the upcoming Clean Air Fair on September 24 from 1pm-3pm. Details at
Maria shared that they were working on a transportation solution for disabled students with Dr. Handall – Superintendent for Guadalupe Union School District. CAPSLO will be closed from (roughly) October to March. Garret will share contact information for Assistance League with Maria.
Stephanie Krouse
Stephanie shared that Food Bank Distribution takes place at the senior center the 1st Thursday of every month from 11am-1pm. She is an Artist in Residence/Schools with FSA. She reminded the group about the centennial celebration of Fiestas Patrias this weekend – Sept 16 and 17 and announced a poetry jam at the vet’s hall on October 13th.
Guadalupe Business Association
Garret Shared the next in-person meeting is Sept 11th at Guadalupe Social Club at 5:30. He also shared that the GBA would take over GCON facilitation for LADG.